What To Look For In A Slot

SlotsGreetings, salutations and aloha to you, my dear reader! I’m so happy you could join me here for a bit! If you’re here, that means you want to unlock the secrets behind unlocking the true potential of slots! Good, good! You’ve come to the right place! This way, please! Have a seat! May I offer you a cup of coffee, or maybe some ice tea? No? You just want to know about slots? Well, I should probably inform you that we’ll mostly be talking about online slots here – while there are a few tricks to beating physical slots, they’re not nearly enough to dedicate an entire article to! So, let’s not waste any more time and dive straight into the world of online slots, to try and see what we should be looking for when selecting one!

1. A Good RTP

This is one of the most important parts! For those of you who don’t know, RTP means “Return To Player Percentage”… Which, in simple terms, is exactly how much of the money invested in a slot gets dispensed back to the players. Slots do need to make profit, after all, and the RTP is a way to keep both the slot provider and the player happy. Let’s say a slot has an RTP of 95% – that means that of every £100 that the players spend on the slot, £5 will be stored into it and taken by the people who have created that slot, while the other £95 will be randomly dispersed back to the players. Naturally, the higher the RTP is, the better your chances of winning are, so don’t go for anything below 95%!

2. A Popular Slot

As mentioned above, slots can only give out the money that has been invested into them… So if nobody’s playing a slot, then there’s no money to be dispersed back to the players, right? While a slot may offer a lucrative RTP of, say, 99.9%, if it’s stuck on the very last page of the online casino and nobody has ever heard about it, then it’s not just magically going to dispense money – if anything, it’s only going to dispense your money back to you, but at a loss! Try to look for the more notable, big-name slots, usually the ones that are featured prominently on the front page of your online casino of choice or are based on famous properties, such as “Game of Thrones” or “The Avengers”.

3. Jackpots!!!

Jackpots are key here, people! If you want to win big from slots, you need either a good bonus game or a big jackpot. One is very easy to spot from the get go while the other is not, so let’s focus on the thing which is easy to spot for now, shall we? You need a jackpot that is not only huge (£500,000 or more is preferable), but also relatively easy to get (some slots place limits on when you can win the slot, such as “you need to play for the maximum bet on all paylines” – try to ignore those). While it might take a bit of searching to find a slot that covers all three of these conditions, and that is still not a guarantee that you’re going to win anything at all (remember – slots are still a game of chance, first and foremost), doing so will bring you one step closer to that sweet, sweet victory!